At Barlby High School our vision is that every child should flourish and develop a real love of learning. We want the very best for all our students and have high expectations for all. This is born from the belief that every child is full of potential and has a unique role to play in society. We wish for all students to reach and exceed their full academic potential at Barlby High School and progress successfully into further and higher education, training and employment and develop a lifelong love of learning. To flourish and thrive in their personal development and to make a positive contribution as active citizens to the local, national and global community.
Our school complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Regulations 2014 to make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs. For further information and to access our SEND Information Report, please click here.
The broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum at Barlby High School is split into two key stages. Key Stage 3 runs from Years 7 to 9, and Key Stage 4 runs from Year 10 to Year 11 Students.
Our curriculum model can be found here.
Students follow the programme of study of the National Curriculum and take the full range of subjects;
Religious Education (RE)
Design & Technology
Food and Nutrition
Computer Science
Modern Languages (French)
Physical Education
All students study English (Language and Literature), Mathematics, Science, RE, PE and PSHE.
Optional subjects include;
BTEC Health and Social Care
BTEC Sports
GCSE Business
GCSE Computer Science
GCSE Drama
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition
GCSE French
GCSE Geography
GCSE Health and Social Care
GCSE History
GCSE iMedia
GCSE Music
GCSE Religious Studies
GCSE Sociology
Across Y7-Y9, through PSHE lessons and wider career enrichment opportunities, parents/carers and students are informed about the choices available at KS4 and how this links to further and higher education, training and employment opportunities. This is supported by our external careers adviser Janis Wilson. Please click here for further information regarding careers advice and guidance and key contacts, should you require further information.
If you have any queries relating to curriculum, please contact Victoria Hobson. T: 01757 706161.
Alongside KS2 SATS (where students have taken them) we also use CATs and Reading Plus to assess students on entry and throughout their time with us. We also formatively assess Year 7 to 9 students in all subjects at January and June, which links in to the subject curriculum planning for the upcoming terms.
In Year 10, students are formatively assessed throughout the first term and then have summative mock examinations at the end of the year.
In Year 11, students have mock examinations in November and February/March to prepare them to sit their GCSEs in May/June.
You can find out more about BTEC qualifications on the following link; Pearson Qualifications
Barlby High School follows the North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus for RE.
Right of Withdrawal
Parents/carers do have the right to withdraw pupils from RE lessons, or any part of the RE curriculum. If you wish to do this, please make an appointment with the RE subject leader in school. HSLT does not support selective withdrawal from RE.
Our schools have a duty to supervise pupils withdrawn from RE, though not to provide additional teaching or to incur extra cost. Where the pupil has been withdrawn, alternative arrangements will be made for RE of the kind the parents/guardians want the pupil to receive. These arrangements will be made by the parents/guardians. The school is not expected to make these arrangements. This RE could be provided at the school in question, or by another school in the locality. If neither approach is practicable, the pupil may receive external RE teaching as long as the withdrawal does not significantly impact on the child’s attendance.