Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner


Year 11 – Study leave

As you are already aware GCSE examinations for the 2018/19 academic year will begin on Monday 13 May 2019 and continue until Friday 14 June 2019. 

The Department for Education guidelines surrounding study leave state that students are not entitled to study leave, and that the decision to have study leave lies with the individual school/academy. Research shows that few students can study independently for this extended period of time, and that they benefit from a targeted revision program in school coupled with focused independent learning at home. 

We also feel with the introduction of the new GCSE exams changing to become more ‘rigorous’ (according to the Department for Education) and the raising of grade boundaries, that our students being in school for a longer period of time will allow for better exam preparation. 

Read the full letter to parents here