Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner


Year 10 Parents Evening


20th March 2019

Dear Parents/Carers

I would like to invite you to the Year 10 Parents’ Evening Wednesday 3rd April. The Parents’ Evening will run from 4.00pm – 7.00pm.

  • Your son/ daughter has an appointment sheet on pages 26-27 of their planners that they will use to record the times organised for you to meet their teachers. Please can you encourage them to include meetings with all of their teachers. Ensure they start getting appointments straight away as some members of staff are extremely busy all evening. It is good to leave a gap between time slots where possible.
  • Appointments are usually five minutes in duration as each teacher has many parents to see. However do please be aware that these appointments may not run to time.
  • Please feel free to bring your son/daughter with you as they often respond well to the teachers’ comments and like to know there is a dialogue and rapport between you and their teachers.
  • There may be some queuing as the discussions can often go on a little longer than anticipated so please be patient with us.

As Head of Year I will also be available should you wish to meet with me. I look forward to meeting you on Wednesday 3rd April.

Kind regards

Mrs S Denham

Head of Year 10

to see the letter in its original format please click here