Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner


Year 9 and Year 10 Visit to Romania June 2019

Dear Parent / Carer

At the beginning of the year Miss Caddell led an assembly on one of our school values; being gracious which means giving people more than they deserve. She used the example of a charity we are supporting called Cry in the Dark who work with orphaned children, often with complex needs, and families in Romania.  We have already sent 54 Christmas boxes to children in Romania thanks to the fantastic efforts of our students and staff.  The children receiving their boxes is now available via the Cry in the Dark facebook page.  We would now like to extend our support of this charity by providing an opportunity for staff and students to travel to Romania and work with Cry in the Dark on one of their projects.

More information about the charity and projects can be found at  The cost for this trip is £800 and an initial deposit of £200 is required by 31st January to be paid to Cry in the Dark.  Please use Cry in the Dark Virgin just Giving Page with your name as a reference.  Final payment will be due in May.

Please also check your child’s passport details they are required to be valid up to the end of Dec 2019 Romania requires you to have a further 6 months on your passport. We will be asking for passport details in order to book flights in February.  You will also need a valid EHIC card to travel so do check this or apply for one at

We recommend that all students have Hepatitis A and B and their tetanus booster, which is due at the age of 14. These have all been free on the NHS for under 16s, however as of last year this has changed.

Some surgeries offer the Hepatitis A vaccination free on the NHS although some practices may have chosen to opt out of this provision, please contact your GP surgery for further information. You will need to make an appointment as soon as possible in order to have all of the boosters prior to travel.

We are aware that there is a national shortage of some of the Hepatitis vaccinations, if you do experience difficulties acquiring the necessary vaccinations Cry in the dark are happy for the students to travel without being vaccinated; you would just need to provide a covering letter to acknowledge that you are aware of the risks. The risks are very low and further information can be found on the following website 

It is important to mention that any student incurring four internal or external periods of exclusion between now and the date of departure will be removed from the trip and may risk losing any money already invested unless their place can be filled.

Any further questions please contact Mrs Lee at

Please can you fill in the attached form along with your deposit confirming your son/daughter’s place on the trip by Thursday 31st January 2019.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs Fiona Lee

Vice Principal

for the original letter please click here