Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner


Shoeboxes for Romania

Shoeboxes for Romania

Barlby High School has partnered with charity Cry in the Dark this year to send Christmas Shoeboxes to children in Romania, who otherwise would not receive a present this Christmas.

Staff and students packed 54 boxes in total, each one filled with toys, stationery, sweets, hats, scarves, gloves and other items. The thing that sets Cry in the Dark’s shoebox appeal aside from any other is that each and every shoebox is made for a specific individual. The charity works with a diverse and special group of children and young people, so they believe that to make them an appropriate shoebox, you need to know a little about the individual.

The Barlby High community have made a fantastic contribution towards the charity’s total of 1500 Christmas shoeboxes which will be taken to Romania in the next few weeks for the children and young people they work with.

Principal, Julie Caddell said “Everyone has done a marvellous job in putting the shoeboxes together. The students have put so much effort in and it is particularly special as they know a little bit about the recipient they are sending the gifts too.”

Barlby High School is part of the Hope Sentamu Learning Trust which has a longstanding relationship with Cry in the Dark. A number of students and staff from Hope have spent time volunteering in Romania on one of the charity’s many projects.