In these unprecedented times the legislation around provision for children with Education Health and Care plans has been temporarily changed meaning that current provision is likely to be different to that listed on the plan. Working with the Local Authority, Hope Sentamu Learning Trust continues to use ‘reasonable endeavours’ to meet the needs of our most vulnerable children, including those with EHC plans.
In accordance with the latest guidance, brief risk assessments have been completed by school SENDCos for all children with EHCPs (including those currently undergoing statutory assessment) and the content of these have been agreed with parents. Consideration is given as to whether or not a child’s needs can continue to be met at home each week during a welfare call between parents and the SENDCo. The vast majority of children with EHC plans are being well supported at home and provision is co-produced between home and school to include a variety of strategies to meet individual needs, including:
For specific enquiries please contact Richard Anderson, the school SENDCo via email at:
For further general guidance on supporting your child at home please follow the links below.