Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner


Year 7 geographers go WILD!

Year 7 geographers go WILD!

Year 7 Geographers at Barlby High have been lucky enough to meet a grass snake, legless lizard, leaf insect and a tarantula this week thanks to a fabulous project with Project: WILD C.I.C.

Project: WILD C.I.C. (Community Interest Company) exists to engage more young people with their natural world, working towards a core aim of tackling mental health, isolation and social issues with young people.

They work with local schools, community groups and charities to deliver workshops in the classroom and out in nature to teach young people about the wonderful wildlife on their doorstep. Additionally, they produce physical and digital teaching and learning materials for use in school and at home to encourage understanding, appreciation and excitement about our wildlife and habitats.

Many thanks to Nick Atherton from Project: WILD C.I.C. for delivering these brilliant sessions in adaptations, and for the engaging assemblies about Climate Change, Nature and Wellbeing.