Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner



Curriculum aim

Science has a huge impact on the world around us and as a subject, it has something to offer every student. Good science involves questioning, investigating, observing, experimenting or testing out ideas and thinking about them. We aim to foster an enthusiasm of science whilst developing knowledge, understanding and the skills needed in a good science student: one who can apply their knowledge to new contexts and use these skills for life in the 21st century. Our science courses also place a high emphasis on cross curricular skills from literacy and numeracy.

Key Stage 3 curriculum overview

In Years 7 and 8, Science provides the foundation stone for later Science at KS4 – in fact Science is very much seen as a five-year course. There is a high degree of practical and investigation content and students study a range of topics to further develop their knowledge, understanding and skills from KS2.

We follow the AQA Scheme for KS3.

Topics include: Sound and light, energy, chemical reactions, acids and alkalis, plants and photosynthesis, forces, electricity, interdependence, variation and inheritance, the Earth and Earth structure, particles and elements and organ systems.

Key Stage 4

In Years 9, 10 and 11 we take Science learning to the next level, building on progress made in KS3. The new GCSE Suite in the Sciences includes a higher level of demand from mathematical and literacy skills with an emphasis on data handling. Key ideas for GCSE include:

  • the use of conceptual models and theories to make sense of natural phenomena
  • that science progresses through a cycle of hypothesis, experimentation, observation, theory development and review
  • developing the ability to evaluate claims through critical analysis of methodology, evidence and conclusions, both quantitatively and qualitatively.


The three disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics are taught under the umbrella of Combined Science (Trilogy) and we presently follow the AQA Specification.

Separate Science/Triple Science is also offered as an option pathway presently to a small cohort of students.


Keep in touch
Subject Lead for Science is Mrs Poulton who can be contacted by email at