Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner


Physical Education

Curriculum aim

The vision of the Sport Faculty is: To support our primary, secondary and wider community in the provision of a High Quality Physical Education experience and assist Barlby High School in raising whole school standards. In Physical Education lessons we aim to offer a programme of study based on a wide range of activities that encourages mass participation whilst allowing the development of excellence through specialisation.

We aim to organise this programme of study in such a way that students develop their decision-making skills and ability to choose a learning pathway for themselves. We aim to underpin this programme of study with high quality teaching and learning that meets the needs of all students and emphasises the development of a set of skills through Physical Education that leads to exam success and prepares students for their chosen careers.

We aim to have a seamless link from curriculum PE into an extra-curricular programme that meets the needs of all and provides a route into club sport for both performer and leader.

Key Stage 3 curriculum overview

Pupils are taught to:

  • use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders, rugby and tennis]
  • develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports [for example, athletics and gymnastics]
  • perform dances using advanced dance techniques within a range of dance styles and forms
  • take part in outdoor and adventurous activities which present intellectual and physical challenges and be encouraged to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group
  • analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best
  • take part in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs.

Within KS3 students follow a thematic approach with activity being linked to theoretical input. Students learn skills through many sports at Barlby, the key theoretical elements mirroring those of BTEC Sport and are as follows: Practical Sport, Leadership, Training for Personal Fitness and Officiating. Our aim is to develop not only knowledge, but a love of sport that leads students into lifelong participation.

Sports routinely taught at Barlby High are:

Athletics, football, badminton, rugby, netball, hockey, swimming, gymnastics, fitness, table tennis, orienteering and trampolining.

Keep in touch
Subject Lead for PE and Sport is Mr Dale who can be contacted by email at