Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner


Paws for thought…

Barlby High School’s Favourite Dog Breed

Isabella Brocklesby, Oliwia Jablonska and Neve McDonagh
German Shepherd

The following questions were posed to a selection of school staff and students, in order to locate the school’s favourite breed of dog. It is said that over a quarter of the UK population owns a dog and so it is fair to say our questionnaire was very much engaged with by all! This survey was completed by our fantastic Y7 students: Isabella Brocklesby, Oliwia Jablonska and Neve McDonagh (Form: LWR)

Our questions were…

  • What dog breed do you think is the most practical and why?
  • What dog breed do you find the cutest and why?
  • What dog is your least favourite and why?
  • Which dog breed is the easiest to look after and why?
  • What is your favourite dog breed and why?


Based on our survey, these were the dogs that came out on top and why:

  • German Shepherd – Cute, protective, fluffy, brave
  • Labrador – childhood dog, friendly, cute
  • Pomeranian – fluffy snowball, small, practical
  • Australian shepherd – cute, attention, smart
  • Husky – cute, brave, powerful
  • Cockapoo – Well-behaved, practical, cute


Our school’s favourite dog is…

The German Shepherd!


Close competitors;

Easiest dog to look after… Sausage dog

Most practical dog breed … Labrador


And finally, the least favourite pooch was the; Chihuahua

Australian Shepherd
Dachshund (Sausage dog)