Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner


Results Day – Thursday 23rd of August 2018

July 2018

Dear Parent/Carer,

Results Day

We look forward to welcoming your son/daughter back to school on Thursday 23rd August 2018 to collect their results.

  • Results are available between 09:30 – 11:00 in the main hall.
  • Results can be posted if you supply a stamped addressed envelope to the exams office.
  • Results may also be collected on the day by someone else as long as we have received a letter to state this and the person collecting the results brings some form of ID.

On results day your son/daughter will be provided with a grade for each subject examined. Along with this they will, where available, be given a uniform mark scale (UMS) score. This UMS score allows you to compare your child’s mark against the relevant grade boundaries supplied by each examination boards. Those grade boundaries that have been released by examinations boards will be made available on results day and will also be accessible on the school’s website.


The school uses the UMS scores to judge if a subject grade is worth considering an appeal. This is generally done in September in consultation with each subject leader or Director of Learning. There is a financial cost for each appeal, the summary of which will be available on results day and accessible on the school’s website. If the grade is successfully appealed and changed this charge is refunded. In order for the school to appeal any results we need to obtain the candidate’s consent. The forms for this will be made available on results day and on the school’s website. As a parent you may also request an appeal for any subject grade for your son/daughter. The cost of any appeal requested by a parent will not be met by the school. Please send all requests to This will be processed by the school.


We are pleased that all our students have a plan in place for after Year 11. On results day we will also have York and Selby College representatives available to speak to the students. There are still a range of apprenticeship opportunities available in the York and Selby area and these are advertised on‐apprenticeship. If your son/daughter is continuing in full‐time education, there is some financial support available, through the 16‐19 Discretionary Bursary Fund, or those who may encounter financial barriers to learning.

Information about this is generally available at enrolment, but please also see the website of the place your son/ daughter has applied to.

Presentation Evening

Please note that the Year 11 Celebrating Success will take place on November 6th. More information will follow on results day. This is a celebratory evening when students are presented with their GCSE certificates and prize giving trophies.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your continued support throughout your son’s/daughter’s time here at Barlby. We look forward to welcoming him/her back on results day.

Yours faithfully,

K Wallace

To see this letter in its original form please click here