This page contains information to keep you up-to-date as we progress through lockdown. Please contact us if you have any queries or concerns.
As per the Government’s advice and recent announcements, school will be open to all students from Monday 8th March 2021.
You can see our updated Risk Assessment here for the re-opening of school (March 2021)
You can find the Risk Assessment relating to Asymptomatic Testing here, (March 2021)
You can find the Risk Assessment relating to Music, Dance & Drama here,(March 2021)
We are currently preparing for the wider opening of Barlby High School.
At this stage, the government is asking secondary schools to supplement remote learning with some face-to-face support for students in Year 10. This is to help and support students with their ongoing remote learning but also to help prepare them for their forthcoming public examinations in 2021.
We aim to commence providing face-to-face learning to students in Year 10 from Monday 15 June.
The safety of our students, staff, parents and families will remain our number one priority. The Senior Leadership Team and I will continue to work together including with colleagues from across the Trust to do all that we can to make our academy as safe as possible. We will be employing a range of approaches and actions to substantially reduce the risk of contagion and infection.
Full information about the plans for partial reopening can be found here:
The single most important action we can all take, in fighting coronavirus, is to stay at home in order to protect the NHS and save lives. In response to the Prime Minister’s address to the Nation, we must ask that parents and carers continue to only access the emergency child care cover at the school if you absolutely have to and if there is no one else in your household, who is not a key worker, who can safely look after your child.
It is essential that we minimise the number of people accessing this emergency cover so that we can adhere to strict social distancing requirements, for the health and safety and wellbeing of the children and our staff.
Correspondence is currently being undertaken directly with the school.
Please inform the school if your requirements change and you no longer need cover for the days you have booked.
‘Key workers’ are defined as those whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response or those who work in one of the critical sectors listed below: