Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner


Healthy Eating 2019

23rd January 2019

Dear Parent /Carer

As part of the school’s ongoing efforts to encourage students to eat more healthily, we would like to make you aware that students who arrive to school by bus should not leave school site to go to the shop after getting off the school bus in the morning. We have a duty of care to ensure that all students are safe.

Students are purchasing high sugar content snacks and drinks, some of which are not permitted within school and in some cases can have a negative impact on their level of focus and engagement within a learning environment.

The school catering offers varied and healthy food choices before registration (breakfast club) at break and at lunchtime. Students are also able to refill or purchase drinks at these times.

Thank you for your continued support.

To see the letter in its original form please click here.