Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner


Eurofest 2018 28th June

Eurofest 2018 28th June

The MFL department were invited to take part in “Eurofest” at Selby College, a simulated international trade fair where students had the opportunity to showcase products they had designed, answering questions and having conversations in French. This was the 10th anniversary of Eurofest, which is especially iconic as Barlby High was also part of the original group of schools to take part in the first ever event! Mrs Fitzsimons, Mrs Henderson and 20 Year 8 pupils attended the event where pupils worked in groups of 4 to design a product (or make a tourist information stand for one group). Our students worked incredibly hard at lunchtimes and in their own time to ensure they were happy with their final product.

Each group was given a stand on the day to display information about their product and the results were very impressive! Eurofest gave our students a fantastic opportunity to develop their confidence in French in a simulated business context. They were also given the opportunity to attend language workshops, run by college staff and students, and have a tour of the Selby College campus, enabling them to taste new languages and motivate their language studies into GCSE and beyond their time at Barlby High.

We are delighted to announce that out of the 7 schools participating at the Selby event, Barlby High scored top marks and won Eurofest 2018! As a result, our top scoring team of students from ‘L’Heure de Smoothie’ will be attending the regional final at Selby College on Wednesday 11th July, where they will be up against the winning teams from the York St John and University of Leeds events. What a comeback for Barlby High to Eurofest! We are grateful to Selby College staff for all the time and effort that went into organising the event and are extremely excited to make Eurofest one of the MFL department’s annual events. Well done to everyone who took part.