Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner



Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

At Barlby High School our vision is that every child should flourish and develop a real love of learning. We want the very best for all our students and have high expectations for all. This is born from the belief that every child is full of potential and has a unique role to play in society. We wish for all students to reach and exceed their full academic potential at Barlby High School and progress successfully into further and higher education, training and employment and develop a lifelong love of learning. To flourish and thrive in their personal development and to make a positive contribution as active citizens to the local, national and global community. 

Our students have access to careers guidance and information from their first day with us in Year 7 until they move on to further education or training after their examinations in Year 11. 

Please contact Tom McNaught-Roberts, who oversees the careers programme, / if you would like further information about our careers programme.

Students will have the opportunity to attend a careers guidance appointment with Mrs Janis Wilson (, our independent Careers Advisor and students in other year groups can request an interview at any time during the year by speaking to their form tutor.

Click for: Careers Programme Overview

Click here for our latest Provider Access Policy. Providers are welcome to provide prospectuses, which can be left at reception, or posted to the school for the attention of the Careers Lead.

Baker Clause Policy Statement

Barlby High School adheres to the Baker Clause Policy Statement stipulating that schools must ensure that a “range of education and training providers” have access to students from Year 7 to Year 11 so that the students can be informed of the technical education and apprenticeships options that are available to them post 16.


Barlby High School is working towards achieving and exceeding the eight Gatsby Benchmarks to enable high quality careers provision, working with the North Yorkshire Business Education Partnership.

There are regular opportunities for pupils to feedback on the careers programme including questionnaires through PSHE. These questionnaires alongside any verbal feedback enable the school to measure and assess the impact of the careers programme on pupils.

Careers Calendar


Date Event
September 2024  
TBC Armed Forces Work Experience Launch (Y10 & Y11)
TBC NHS Allied Healthcare Virtual Work Experience (Y10 & Y11)
October 2024  
TBC Law and Finance Virtual Work Experience from the British Law Society
Friday 7th York College Y11 Assembly
Tuesday 8th Ada Lovelace Day
Monday 14th Selby College Y11 Assembly
Monday 21st YR11 Parents Parents evening Selby and York College
Tuesday 18th October Next Gen Careers Fair Leeds YR10
Monday 28th All Saints College Y11 Assembly
November 2024  
Monday 4th New Pontefract College Y11 Assembly
From Monday 11th Post-16 Opportunities at British Airways
Monday 18th Bishop Burton College Y11 Assembly
Thursday 28th Mock Interviews (Y10 & Y11)
December 2024  
January 2025  
Date TBC York College Taster Day Year 11
February 2025  
Thursday 6th Barlby High School Careers Fair (Y7 to Y11)
March 2025  
Date TBC Selby College Y10 Taster Day
April 2025  
30th June – 4th July 2025 Year 10 Work Experience

School Sixth Forms and Colleges

Askham Bryan College

Askham Bryan are holding an Information Evening on Tuesday 2 March, 5.00pm – 6.30pm and an Open Morning on Saturday 20 March, 10.00am – 1.00pm. You can book your place here.

Bishop Burton College

If you have attended an Open Event at Bishop Burton College but you’re still not sure which college course is for you, they are offering taster sessions. Find out more and book your place here

Fulford School Sixth Form

New College Pontefract

Selby College

York College

Apprenticeships – Search for vacancies – Join the York Apprenticeship Talent Pool – Apprenticeships, T Levels and Traineeships – Apprenticeships, Jobs, Reviews & Careers Advice For School & College Leavers

Labour market information and careers exploration

Higher Education – Research University courses.
A guide to making A level choices for University courses – Russell Group – A useful careers website aimed at Graduates. Look at Careers Advice, What can I do with my Degree? – University league tables. – Higher Education Student Finance. – Information about Higher Education

Click here for details of HE and Oxbridge Webinars For Barlby High School (Year 10, 11, 12)

Post 16 Financial Support

Keep in touch

If you have any queries or feedback on our careers programme, please contact Tom McNaught-Roberts who can be contacted on 01757 706161 or by email: