Principal - Anouska Gardner
Principal - Anouska Gardner


Inclusive sport for Sports Leaders

Boccia Inclusive competition

Our amazing Sports Leaders have done us proud once again, when they helped out at the North Yorkshire Inclusive School Sports Partnership’s Boccia Inclusive competition.

Teaming up with fellow sports leaders from Manor CE Academy the Sports Leaders got an opportunity to practice their leadership skills by organising the competition for the participants.

North Yorkshire Inclusive School Sports Partnership is a unique partnership which caters for all children with SEND across North Yorkshire.

Boccia is a disability sport that tests muscle control and accuracy. Players propel balls to land close to a target ball. Two sides compete as individuals, pairs or as a team of three over a set number of ends. Each side has six balls (red or blue) each end to try and score points. Points are accumulated over the course of a match to find a winner.

Our Sports Leaders have all acquired new skills and knowledge about a sport they had not played before and did a great job helping with the event.